
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Apartment Progress!

So Dom and I have been so busy the past week and weekend moving and getting our new apartment in living-condition, and we made a lot of progress last night. Hopefully tonight we can get it in really good shape and be able to sleep there! Last night I posted this picture on instagram of the wall that Julian's crib is on, and it's funny because looking at it you would picture a perfect room, so it just goes to show that in the digital world, some pictures are only a small representation of what actually is. So here is the picture I posted, and here is what is actually going on behind it!

The rest of Julian's room... yeah, not so pretty!

The kitchen... hardly ready for cooking in.

Our little little bathroom!
Our huge bedroom... I'm sure it will be the last thing that gets organized.
Now it's sinking in that this is our home because I walk down the stairs to see this.

A view of the whole downstairs. Looks like a thrift store!
 It's looking more like a home than it did all day yesterday, though! This is what it looked like after just moving everything into the house. We had to wait until last night to move everything upstairs because carpet was being installed up there yesterday.

At least mostly everything is in the rooms that they belong in, now. We have to bring some dressers and the box spring around the front of the house, up the front stairs and through the apartment that spans the rest of the upstairs to a door that connects to our side. Sounds so fun, right?

It's strange putting all of the things that were once in another home into a different one because some things serve the same purposes and some things find new homes within the new home. It's awesome having a fresh start and being able to put things in different places than they were before, and I'm surprised at how many pieces look better in another room here than they did in their original rooms before. (if that makes sense!)

I'm so excited about Julian's room. I have some amazing plans for it! I was thrown off a little bit when I went up there last night to find that the carpet that was installed is blue. I was expecting it to be the same tan color as the rest of the second floor. It looks pretty good against the white and green walls, but I was imagining a green, black and white color scheme. Now I'll have to adjust it a little bit to include the blue. I'll share a mood board tomorrow to show you guys what I'm imagining, and it'll help me stay on track and remember all the things I'm visualizing right now!

Thank you to everyone who has helped us so far with everything from watching Julian while we moved to helping me trek boxes over last week to moving our furniture, as well as giving me moral support through it all! I am promising myself that we won't be moving for a loooong time- hopefully the next time we move will be when we eventually buy our own house. I'm decorating this place with long-term living in mind and organizing in a way that will work for us for a while.


  1. Don't worry, everything will come together soon! Mess is just a part of moving. My husband & I are planning on moving about 6-8weeks after our baby is born...its going to be rough! But it's nice that you'll be in one place for awhile, so you can really make it your own. Good luck!
    xo kristen genevieve

    1. Oh, boy- good luck to you!! I will say that it's easier moving while the baby is really little because they will either sleep or be no problem for whoever can watch them while you move/paint/demo, ect. We moved last year while Julian was 6 months and he was a peach!
