
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Let's talk about when I was fifteen

Ok, so that sounds sort of annoying if you know how old I am. The same kind of annoying as that girl that posts a picture on Instagram that was taken two weeks ago and writes "that time when I... #tbt #throwbackthursday".

Five years is one of those amounts of time that really isn't a lot, when you look at the whole timeline of your life. But then you think of where and who you were five years ago and it's like a whole lifetime ago. A lot of things are the same but chances are there are even more that aren't.

Five years ago, I started getting to know Dom. Morgan and I went to see Madonna on tour. I was trying to grow out my afro from ninth grade. I was in this weird transition period between wanting to be a strange, "different" hipster girl and wanting to be that cool, sexy (as sexy as you can be at 15), R&B, rap loving girlfriend material girl. Ugh, such a bad time. I was trying to figure out who my *real* friends were (made a few mistakes along the way, but I finally got it right).

Now, five years later, I've learned a lot of lessons and had a lot of experiences. I've survived high school, started college (twice), and quite college (twice). Been with Dom, another guy that I never want to talk about, and went back with Dom. We've moved into our own place together. We have a 16 month old (today!) son who is majorly responsible for who I am at 20 years old. I work at a law office! How many 20-year-olds can you say have that under their belt?

I feel like my life is already so rich, and like I've learned so much. But it's just barely begun!

Where were you five years ago? Do you ever stop to think about everything that was happening in your life at some point in the past? It's interesting to compare things like relationships, careers, living situations, and maybe even your personality to how they used to be, and to wonder how they will be in the future.

P.S., I think Jonathan Ive took his inspiration for iOS7 from Madonna's Sticky and Sweet tour.

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