
Friday, November 1, 2013

A Little Bit of Halloween

So, Halloween is over and the real fun begins- candy binging. Julian looked amazing and he had such a good time visiting all of our family and staying up later than normal. he was such a good boy- we had seven places to visit in about two hours. He was literally bouncing off the walls of the Hilton where Dom works (we visited him at work)- running around the hotel lobby pointing at the huge lights hanging from the ceiling and touching things he shouldn’t have touched. He was a huge hit!

"A doting mother smiles at her pensive child" -Olivia Bauso
A fun-filled Halloween with him should be a satisfying way to end the month, right? While I realize this, I feel like I dropped the ball where Halloween is concerned. I barely decorated (my one strand of borrowed Halloween lights pooped out after one night), didn’t carve my two (TWO!) pumpkins, didn’t buy any candy (I doubt we would have gotten trick-or-treaters to our apartment), and didn’t do any fun crafts (even though I Pinned dozens, probably). I kept promising a how-to for Julian’s amazing Peter Pan costume, but the only time we were able to get outside to take some good pictures, it was freeeezing! And by the time we got him dressed last night, it was dark here in Central New York. That combined with his hummingbird-like speed last night doesn’t make for any good picture-taking opportunities.

Peter Pan making The Hilton Garden Inn his Neverland

My priorities must be all wrong, I know. I should have just enjoyed the moment rather than trying to capture the picture of the lifetime. Ugh, I can’t stop being sad. But we still got some decent in-motion pictures good enough to share.

Ready to take flight? I think so.

Note- Dom’s friends were at the Hilton, so combine the three of them with me, my sister and best friend Morgan, that’s six people that were trying to get one picture of this boy. He was like a celebrity and we were like his paparazzi- which probably made him want to run from us even more. I’m surprised he didn’t punch us or knock our phones out of our hands and stomp on them a-la-Llamar Odom.

Next year I'm going to make an effort to make some more memories leading up to Halloween, and focus less on getting a good picture and adhering to a strict visiting schedule.

So, here’s to another month down and one month closer to the end of another year that is going by way. too. fast.

PS. This month I’m sponsoring Danielle over at Sometimes Sweet- one of my favorite blogs! Be sure to stop over to her blog and show some love!

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