
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Where Art Thou Spring?

Late last week and through this weekend we had beautiful weather here in Central New York, and it was such a huge tease. I even bought Julian a bunch of spring/sumer clothes and shoes from Old Navy because I cannot wait to be rid of snow. At this point it feels like snow will never go away and flip flops will never be an option ever again. But spring will come eventually!

So, I wanted to put together a little moodboard which gives you a taste of what I'm craving this spring!

Clockwise from top left: (links are in the numbers)

1. Love this little outfit for Julian.

2. This color looks great on everyone.

3. Katie Daisy's prints uplift my mood 100%!

4. Spring makes me want to start eating lighter and healthier. These tacos sound amazing!

5. I ordered these shoes for Julian and I can't wait for him to wear them!

6. I love these DIY lanterns as a fun permanent decoration for somewhere in our house.

7. Ahh tulips. I want to find a place to plant some this spring.

8. This outfit looks so cute and could be worn ona casual day or at work!

9. Pointy scallop flats in white? Screams spring and summer to me!

10. This would be a cute Easter treat to bring to the office or to use as little placecard holders at Easter dinner.

What things remind you of spring? Are you as sick of the cold as I am?


  1. Yum, tacos! And I love those flats and the shoes for Julian!!

    1. I've been really into tacos lately, Heather! If i try the recipe I'll definitely write about it here! And the flats are definitely out of my price range but still so cute!

  2. Replies
    1. I do too! I think I might have to break down an buy something of hers because everything just makes me happy!

  3. Okay, so what I have learned from this post is that you need to teach me how to make a "moon board". Never hear of it and it's literally the cutest/coolest thing ever!! I know I am slightly weird, but it's like a mini collage and I love it!!

    P.S. Feel free to check you out as much as you want lol

    The Tiny Professional

    1. Yes they're a great thing to be able to make! I create mine within photoshop but you could probably use an online editor like pixlr to get the job done!

      And thanks again for mentioning my bog in yours- I've definitely gotten traffic from it! I will definitely be thinking of a way to repay you!!


  4. I love everything flowers and gardening! I hear you, I'm totally sick of winter. I'm currently living in Massachusetts, which is not nearly as bad as my hometown, Minneapolis, but I just NEED winter to end! Plus, this April I get to meet my little boy! Hurry up, spring! :)
    xo kristen genevieve


    sunny bloglovin

    1. I turn 21 in May, so I'm excited for warm weather for that reason, too! Spring babies are the BEST!

  5. Katie Daisy is fantastic and her print is one of my favorite things in my office. Fantastic post!
