
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

iPhoneography & Fall Fun

I've experimented on and off with DSLR cameras, and they're fun, and they make me feel so professional. I would definitely love to own one someday, but for now my iPhone will have to do. besides, they're so big- I couldn't imagine carring a toddler and a big camera! Someone or something is going to get broken.

I purchased a Nikon L310 last Christmas, and now I'm realizing that just because a camera is new, digital, and has a fancy model number it's not great for your needs. I'm not sure if I'm just not using it right or what, but I hate it.

So, here are a few recent iPhone pictures that I love- some may have been on my Instagram, and some haven't! Fall in Central New York is the most beautiful place on this whole earth- the best backdrop for good pictures!

It seems to be that the subject of all of my "good" pictures is this sweet little boy! Oops!

By the way, if you love Fall, go to Dunkin' Donuts and ask for a Pumpkin Vanilla Chai Latte, take the top off, and let the amazing smell fill the air- i promise you won't regret it!

Happy Fall!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Favorite Pins Round 1

I discovered Pinterest about two years ago when I was reading an article in Cosmo (not sure what the article was about) when it suggested that I snip pictures out of magazines and "pin" them for inspiration and happiness, or try an online site like Pinterest. So, I checked it out and I scrolled my face off in all of my spare college minutes. (Thinking about it now, they probably wanted you to buy their magazine so you could cut out their images for your tangible pinboard, but they ruined their own idea by suggesting Pinterest.) I feel like Pinterest was relatively undiscovered two years ago, and then it blew up in the last year. I wonder if Pinterest and all words related thereto are in the doctionary yet...

Anyways. I feel like I'm in a relationship with Pinterest that brings me both pleasure and pain. Pleasure because I've never seen such beautiful things and had so much inspiration thrown at me in one internet experience. Pain because having all these DIY ideas and expectations to live up to in the blogger/designer/mother/housekeeper world. I'm super prone to anxiety so sometimes I need to remember that Pinterest is this magical world where all the perfect parts of other peoples' lives come to congregate, otherwise I'll start going into this weird depressive state. It's sickening.

Here are some of my favorite pins lately, because they motivate me and make me happy for various reasons. For more of my favorite Pins, you can obviously check out my Pinterest boards.

I think what I liked about this Pin is the words below it. It's a really good idea that I fully intend on trying once I get some underthings that are actually sexy (hint hint Christmas gift from Dom?).

These painted pine cone placecards from Camille Styles are too cute! You could choose any color to match the theme of your dinner- I'm thinking metallic gold. I'm dying to host another dinner party (my first and last one was for Mother's Day and it was a hit!) and I love little place embellishments like this!

Is it sick that I'm planning for Christmas already? I feel like it creeps up on me every year, so I'm getting a jump start at decor and gift ideas. Our apartment is little, and with Julian being so michevious, I think a tabletop tree will be the way to go for us. This one from County Living is so beautiful and elegant! I love everything about this picture- to me there is no color more festive than gold.

Scrolling through my pins, I realized that I pinned this same image three times. That's how it made it to this post. I'm dying to have a desk to make me feel more like a designer and blogger and less like a bored, tired mom working from her bed once her baby is asleep. I love the simple, clean lines of this desk, and I love the little nook that it's in. It looks exactly like a corner that might be in our little apartment.

What can I even say about this picture? Ugh... so cute. I spy Dr. Brown's paci and a big watch that doesn't look nap-time appropriate.

I'm dinner party obsessed. And also slightly annoyed with myself that I'm letting Halloween practically pass me by because I'm too worried about Christmas. I feel like I'm a walking version of AC Moore's seasonal section. But these glamorous pumpkin place cards are beautiful!!

So there you have it. Just some of the Pins I'm swooning over lately. Be sure to follow my Boards to see more of what I'm pinning!

It's my blog and I can rename it if I want to...

I guess I have a thing for titles based on songs. Maybe I should become a songwriter.

No thanks. I actually hate coming up with names and titles. I always end up changing my mind at some point or end up thinking of what I should have "called it". Which is what happened with this blog. I coulnd't think of something original, so I came up with this gneral blog name- All Things Me. It just sounded so awkward, and obviously this blog would be all about me. I'm writing it aren't I? So, I was noticing that lots of blog names are derived from nicknames, and then it came to me...

And bam. Suddenly my blog was named my childhood nickname given to me by one of my grandmothers (I actually call her Hammie...) and Dom used to call me that when we first met, for some reason. It's not any more original because so many people use their childhood names for their blogs, but hey- it's better than being embarassed by that other weird name that I won't ever mention again unless I have to.

In other news, I promised you last post that I would be back this weekend with something exciting, and while I really did want that to haooen, I don't really know how exciting it's going to get around here, unless something magical happens tomorrow. I still have to do something with the two pumpkins that I got in the spirit of Autumn... which is sad considering Halloween is in less than a week. So there's that.

AND I did manage to sew Julian's costume the other night, after I realized that he put the power cord to my sewing machine somewhere, never to be found again. Which I'm so. darn. happy. about. I didn't take progress pictures because honestly it was so easy that putting step by step pictures up would have been insulting. I am going to get him all dolled up tomorrow and take some more put-together, non-blurry pictures of him in it, though. It's the perfect last minute costume and you can make it in any size that your heart desires- using less than 10 materials. But because I can't resist a picture of my Juli bug, here's one that I snapped to send to my sister last night.

You get the gist though. So cute!!!

Dom and I went out to dinner together last night to Gordon Biersch, a restaurant at Destiny USA in Syracuse, and it was yumm!! We've been there once before with friends, and it was an amazing experience both rounds. Last night, two people wiped out in the restaurant. Two customers!

So, that's life in a nutshell right now. The weather looks promising tomorrow and Monday, so I'll be getting Julian in his costume to take some pics, as well as hopefully completing a share-worthy project here!

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I haven't written anything here in some time, but I'm going to get to it soon! I have lots of thoughts, and I'd like to do a tutorial of some kind this week or weekend. I'm itching to do a craft, and I've got big plans for a holiday collection on my Etsy shop. I'm also looking for Christmas gift ideas (cards, stationary, artwork, ect.) that will be great to sell! Feel free to comment below with any good ideas you may have!

On another note, I finally joined Bloglovin' and took all the blogs that I have saved in my Bookmarks Bar on my browser, and added them to Bloglovin'. I always felt like some sort of hero for going to each individual blog every day to check for a new post, but this is great for checking in on the ones that don't post at the same time very day, or that I don't follow as avidly.

So... Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

We'll talk later!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Free Vintage Truck Vector

I love experimenting with Illustartor and building little things that I can keep in my image library to pull out for an invitation or something. I get my inspiration for a lot of things from fabric. Carousel Designs is a great website for children's fabric inspiration.

I got the idea of building a vinatge truck from this fabric at Carousel Designs. So cute! It's perfect to use with a vintage truck birthday theme, or even for shower invitations or artwork in your son's bedroom!

So, because I love being able to share things with you guys for free, here is the link for a free Illustrator download of this sweet little vintage truck!

You'll have to do some playing around to change the colors if you need to, but with a little knowledge of the programn, it shouldnt be too hard. When I originally made this I didn't usually use layers to separate parts, and I've definitely learned my lesson, so anything I put out there from now on should be easier to edit.

Simply download the file, open it up, and edit it/add it to your design! A credit to me isn't completely necessary, but if you make something with it and post it online, I'd love to see what you used it for!

Also, if you don't have Illustrator or just want the JPEG file, you can comment on this post or email me at emmabaus@gmail.com and I'll gladly send it to you!

I hope someone can find some use for it!

I wonder if Jay-Z would like this

A few weeks ago in this rant about my online classes, I posted a picture of a project that I was working on for my Typography class. I finished the project and the class, but the result of my project wasn't portfolio-ready with the artwork specifications we were given for the project. So, last night (my idea of a fun Saturday night) I started building a Rolls Royce to put into my poster. Cause if you know Jay-Z like I do, you know he has a sparkly Phantom sitting in one of his many garages.

I don't know Jay-Z that well, but I guess its sort of common knowledge. Maybe I saw it on Cribs?

So, roughly four hours later (three of those hours were without break) I finished it and substituted it for my original poster art.

Behold, one of my most prized works so far:

It's a fictional event for all you fans that are wondering!

The largest font is Metropolis, the second font is Bellerose, and the third font down is Cassannet

I don't know where I saved the original picture, which was decent for its purpse, but the artwork was typography based, and just wasn't working. There comes a time in a typography fanatic's life when she must admit there was too much type. That was one of those moments.

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

I wonder what Jay-Z would say.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Currently // 02

Watching Revenge. And I am obsessed. It's really a sickness, and I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing that I watched all the eposides on Netflix. Good because now I can't sit on my couch with my eyes glued to the screen for hours. Good because I can free my brain up for some other thoughts. Good because I won't have dreams about Victoria and Conrad Greyson. Bad because I just love it so much!!

Wanting too much, as usual. I'm trying to decrease my wants in an effort to increase my happiness and also increase the number in my bank account. Christmas (I said it) is around the corner and we have to buy decorations for our apartment this year, along with gifts for Julian!

Hoping this summer weather will go away (yup... said it) so I can wear my sweaters and leggings and pants and jacket and buy a pair of riding boots. One can only drink so much pumpkin flavored coffee to simulate the feeling of fall. I'd rather not be sweating when I'm carrying pumpkins!

Loving my boy extra tight this week. He's been feverish, lethargic, and super needy. It's easy to get impatient and angry when he won't stop crying, but I have to remember that he feels the same way that adults do when they're sick, only his way of complaining is a little more annoying, and he can't really help expressing it. Hopefully he's better by the end of the weekend!

Thinking about oh, too much, as usual. Right this moment, I'm thinking about upcoming projects and people I could offer my services to. I'd like to get my name out there for Christmas gift ideas and maybe some cards, so I'm going to have to think of some products to get out there.

Excited for Sherry and John at Young House Love and the new addition to their family! I've been reading/following/obsessed with YHL for about two years now, so, call me crazy but I feel like a part of my family is growing haha!

Excited about Pumpkin and Apple picking with my family and extended family tomorrow! I hope Julian is feeling up to it, and I also hope the weather will be nice and cool so we can wear fall-y clothes and be slightly chilly out there in the fields. Hey, I just want that total fall experience, ok?

Missing my papa. It's been three months (yesterday) since his passing, and it feels like forever since he's been gone, but I can also remember his voice and everything about him like it was yesterday. Not a day goes by without thinking of him and missing him.

What's currently going on in your life? If your answer is "too much", then join the club!

A big thanks to Danielle for the original inspiration for this post.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Photoshop Filter Fun

I'll admit it- I use Instagram and my iPhone a lot to take pictures. What could be more convenient than taking pictures with the one object that you always have with you? And what's better than convenience is quality. Sure, nothing beats a big 'ole DSLR on Manual, but for most everyday shots, iPhone does the trick. And with Instagram, who needs Photoshop? The good news: we can all be "photographers". The bad news: sometimes the premade Insta photo filters don't give you what you need.

By taking a photo and putting it into Photoshop and making a few quick changes, you can not only have great looking pictures, but they don't have to be square, and you can control the options!

Everyone loves a good, simple photoshop filter! So here I am to give you one. I'm going to play around with them a little more to bring a few different ones here for you guys. (Or probably gals.)

Behold: my beautiful baby. Who has been less than an angel this week due to a fever, being lethargic, and super cranky. Lets hope all he needs is a restful weekend.


Ok, so my photography skills (or was this taken by my sister...) aren't great. We were on our way out for a walk so the backdrop is less than to be desired. But those eyes!!

Here are the steps I took to go from "Before" to "After". Feel free to change numbers liberally to find the right settings for your image.
  1. Open your image and do any necessary preliminary edits (retouching, a little lightening, ect). Keep in mind that we will be editing Levels throughout this, so don't go crazy at the start.
  2. Select "New Adjustment Layer" from your Layers dropdown menu. Put your cursor on "Levels". On the menu that appears, you'll want to select where it says "RGB" and change that option to "Blue". Slide the Black Output Level arrow to the right until you're happy with the amount of Blue. I have it around 60 in the image above.
  3. Next, select "New Fill Layer" from the Layers menu. You'll click Ok, and then the color picker will appear. For the purpose of this tutorial, we're going to fill it with an almost-white pink color. The code for the color I used is #feeaea.
  4. WOAH your image disappeared. That's ok. With your fill layer still selected, you'll select "Multiply" from the drop down menu in your Layers window on the right side of the screen. Now you have a nice, rosy color over the whole image.
  5. Select "New Adjustment Layer" again from your Layers drop down menu, and this time click "Curves". This is going to adjust some exposure in the image, so if you have one that's already super exposed, you could consider skipping this step. This step is all about preference, so you'll have to play with the curve to get the look you want. Keep in mind that moving the line to the left will saturate/expose the image, while moving it to the right will desaturate/dull the image. I clicked the line about 1/2 of the way up and moved it slightly left, since my image was exposed to begin with.
  6. Lastly, we're going to add another "Adjustment Layer", click "Levels", and set "RGB" to "Green". Change your black Output arrow to somewhere around 50 (depending on preference).
  7. Flatten your image when you're happy with your results, "Save for Web", and Facebook away!

Your friends will be jealous of your Instagram-like abilities, and even more impressed when you told them you did it in Photoshop!

Good luck in your future Filter endeavors, and look for more Filter Fun coming soon! And, don't forget to Pin this if it was helpful for you!

A Little Self Promotion Never Hurt Nobody

You were supposed to say that in your best Fergie voice (like in The Great Gatsby).

I've been getting little projects slowly but surely, mostly from friends and family here in Auburn. My Etsy shop has not taken off at all so far, which is disappointing, but I haven't exactly marketed myself as much as I could/should. There's not enough time in the day! I thought I'd share some of the things that I've been working on...

This one is a gift for my former college roomate who just had a baby girl! I think I got the inspiration for the flowers from a greeting card that I saw on Pinterest. Isn't it darling?

Congrats Ibelise!! (If you're seeing this, it should be coming in the mail soon!)

The daughter of a coworker approached me last month to create the party invitations for her little boy's second birthday party, which is at a local pumpkin patch here in Central New York. I usually do a few different designs for clients to pick from, especially if I'm not exactly sure what they're envisioning. This was the final decision:

This was another choice, and I loved it just as much! The perfect twist to a fall color scheme!

I've been trying my hand at designing custom resumes for some friends. They're quick and easy to do but they make a huge difference! Just imagine an employer's delight when they open this up:

And no, I wasn't talking about how beautiful my best friend is. I was talking about how effective the design is! (Ha-ha)

And this is another one I did. Cute, right?

And this is my resume! I did this one awhile ago, and I'd actually like to redo it a little bit. Make it a little more sophisticated.

If you're interested in my work, you can pop over to my Etsy shop and look at more of my designs, or email me at emmabauso@gmail.com, and we can get a little project in the oven!